These scenes were created in Unreal, inspired by films that inspire me. My goal for each of these was to recreate my interpretation of the lighting and atmosphere for each film.
The fireplace room I used as a starting point was downloaded from
The Inspiration

The Results
Each of these are captured with the post-processing volume enabled. I first lit the scene as naturally as possible, then used the post-processing to try and capture the feel of the graded film stills.

Below are screens of just the lighting and fog for each scene. For each version of the room I created a set of material instances that, while simple shades of gray, had surface qualities that complimented the film I was trying to emulate. The floors in particular are pretty different from shot to shot, representing carpet, wet or dusty hardwood depending on the environment.
The same general setup was used for each scene, with a skylight + HDRI setting the base. Different lights were added to finish each scene. I left auto-exposure disabled throughout the process, including in the final shots.

Film stills beside final renders for comparison: